Moving Abroad (Part II)


The Checklist: Timeline

12 weeks before the move

Organize all of your documents, bills and receipts in an expanding folder.


– Speak to your financial advisor about banking and currency exchange in your destination.

– Set up Internet banking accounts, if you haven’t done so.

– Notify your banks of your change of address.

Tax planning

Find out about the tax rules as a non-resident in your country regarding your savings and income made from the disposal of assets. Familiarize yourself with the tax rules of the country you’re moving to, in order not to risk fines or even imprisonment.


Discuss with your financial advisor regarding the management of any monetary investment you may have, like mutual funds and stocks portfolio.


Inform your mortgage provider to ensure that you do not break the terms of your loan and risk repossession of your property.

Estate planning

Seek help from your financial advisor regarding the management of your estate to minimize tax liabilities and in creating a will.


Discuss with your financial advisor about the options and opportunities available to you regarding your pension should you choose to retire abroad.


– Make sure that your passport is updated.

– Confirm your visa and entry requirements. You may want to do this 6 months in advance as paperwork duration varies with the country and type of visa.


– Create an inventory of things you’ll be bringing with you.

– Put your house on the market or get an agent’s help if you’ll be renting it out.

– Get a comprehensive travel guide and read travel blogs regarding the destination country.

– Visit your destination country and familiarize yourself with the neighborhood and residence you’ll move to.

During the visit to your destination, also check out the following:

Climate difference

Read about and get a chart of your destination’s annual weather pattern and study the temperature fluctuation and humidity levels to make an informed decision about the clothing you need to bring with you.


Find out which food and ingredients are not available in your destination.


Get a universal adapter and double-check the voltage difference of your electronic gadgets of your new country.


Check out local and expats meet-ups.


Check out the availability of any prescription medication you may need. Be aware that they could be named differently in your destination.


Look into phone and internet plans (or pay-as-you-go SIM card) of your destination.


Get acquainted with local transport and check out the easiest and most economic means.


Start familiarizing yourself with the new language at home.


Organize your CV, degrees, certificates and work-related paperwork in a sturdy folder. Also scan and keep a soft copy of them. You may need to translate your certificates and diplomas to the language of your destination.


If you have children, arrange for school transfer records.

8 weeks before

Pack up the house

– Buy boxes, labels, tape, bubble wrap, marker pens and old newspaper to pack up your belongings.

– Check off your inventory as you pack.

– Number the boxes and list the contents of each box in a separate sheet.

– Announce a yard sale for items you’ll be leaving behind.

– Hire an international removals company after confirming the pricing and services.


Put up your vehicle for sale.

Insurance (belongings)

Arrange proper insurance coverage for your belongings, especially for valuable antiques or works of art. The insurance should cover the move itself.

Address notice

Send emails or address cards to family and friends regarding your change of residence.

6 weeks before

Travel tickets

Book flights and confirm travel arrangements.


– Put all boxed items into storage, either provided by your removals company or a separate storage company.

– Hold a yard sale of things you’re leaving behind or donate them to charity.


– Arrange for the transfer of your medical records, get a health check-up and prescription-related advices.

– Renew any prescription drug and bring enough medication to last you a few weeks after the move, along with a written proof of your need for the medication to get customs clearance.

– If applicable, consult your destination’s embassy about the suggested vaccines.


Decide whether you’ll keep your pet or put it up for adoption. Find out about restrictions if you’ll be bringing it along.

Power of attorney

Prepare certified copies of all important documents to the person you’ve designated to be in-charge of your affairs while you’re away.

4 weeks before

Utilities & subscriptions

– Arrange to disconnect your phone service, TV and other services.

– Organize the connection of similar services in your new home, if possible.

– Cancel newspaper and magazine deliveries.

– Pay all outstanding bills. Leave some cash with a friend or relative to settle any bill you may have missed.


– Make arrangements for their transport, buying the proper carriers and food supplies.

– Immunize them against rabies at least 21 days before the travel date.

Driving license

Apply for an international driving license before leaving, it is usually renewed annually. Renew your national driving license if necessary. Alternatively, as a resident you could take a driving test and get a local driving license.

Register to vote

Find out about voting as an expat as your home country’s policy will still affect you via taxation, immigration policy and foreign affairs.

Insurance (Individual)

Double-check your insurance policies (Life, Health, Personal Accident) regarding their coverage as an expat. If unsure, consult with your insurance agent.


Arrange for babysitters for the day of the move.

Farewell party

Organize a party or have farewell dinners with family and friends.

2 weeks before


– Clean the house and cupboards, dispose of or donate the remaining furniture you’re leaving behind.

– Return borrowed items to their owners.

– Create a folder of useful home information for the new owner, such as garbage collection days and the location of gas and electric meters.

– Start finishing the food in the freezer.

Check-in luggage

Pack your check-in luggage carefully and check their weight, unless you don’t mind paying for overweight charges. Make your own list of items and check them off as you pack. You’ll be living out of your suitcases until your shipment (if any) arrives. Place your name, email address and phone number inside and outside your luggage. Lock it. Tie a bright ribbon on the handle to easily identify it.

1 week before

Cabin luggage

Pack your hand-carry bag with the following as a guide:

Passport & air ticket, ID, money, banking cards, money belt, cardigan/light jacket, flight socks, e-book reader, ear plugs, toothbrush and toothpaste, chewing gum, wet wipes & tissue paper, sleeping mask, 1 set of spare clothing, healthy snacks, lip balm & skin moisturizer, anti-diarrhea pills, pen & notebook, phone numbers and addresses, pain relievers & medication, Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy, ziplock/plastic bags, travel guide.

Carry with you: car/house keys, jewelry, laptop, camera, extra memory card, smartphone with travel apps, glasses/extra contact lenses.

Musical instrument (violin, guitar, etc.): Check with your airline about bringing it aboard with you.

If you have children: Bring along favorite stuffed animals, snacks and travel games.

Prepare for time-zone difference

Studies show that a healthy diet and slowly adapting your sleeping patterns can help prevent jetlag. Also, stay hydrated and avoid alcohol beverages during your flight.

Airport transfer

Arrange for someone to drive you to the airport.

The day before removal


– Defrost the freezer and fridge and leave the door open, disconnect washing machines etc.

– Confirm the time of arrival of the removal van.

– Charge your mobile phone

Removal day

The removal day should be at least two days before your international travel date to give you leeway for unexpected delays, so arrange for overnight accommodation until the day of your flight.


– Lock all windows and doors.

– Read and take photos of all meters: water, gas, electricity.

– Check that everything is loaded into the removal company’s vehicle.

– Hand in all keys in an envelope.

Day of your flight

– Confirm with the person responsible for your airport transfer.

– Make sure that you bring your air ticket, cabin luggage and check-in luggage with you.

– Aim to arrive at the airport 3 hours in advance.

– To calm your nerves, you may want to take some Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy.

Well done for coming this far. Now that you have everything taken care of, I wish you a safe journey to your destination!

Next: 11 Tips for an easier time abroad

Photo: Glenn Carstens-Peters

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