Low-risk Jungle Dangers

Thanks to B-grade movies, Amazonian wildlife has gotten an unjust reputation for being dangerous creatures looking to kill or maim at the sight of a human. Reading this will dispel your fears (I hope) and help you survive any "attack".

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Hiking the Amazon (Part I)

The Complete Checklist for Hiking the Amazon is made for the smart rainforest hiker, to make adequate preparations for survival and maximize fun in the jungle.

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High-risk Jungle Dangers

You may want to do your best in preparing for jungle hazards so that your trip becomes an enjoyable experience and not a horror story.

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Top 11 Spots in the Amazon

The Amazon in Brazil is often in the spotlight due to it having the largest and easily accessed jungle city Manaus. For this list however, I will focus on the Peruvian Amazon with its amazing offerings despite having only a fifth of the size of its Brazilian neighbor. (2,800 words)

Hiking the Amazon: What to Bring

As long as you; keep dry and clean, cover up, drink clean water and eat good food, sleep safely, don´t get lost and don´t touch that shiny critter, you will survive the Amazon. However, if you still need a long-winded advice (3,200 words), let´s crack on.

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